“The documentation of our history has to me always been a very important aspect. The cases recorded verbatim here, cover a very wide spectrum of emotions ranging from sadness, humour, violence, to compassion and even love.”
– Peter de Waal AM, Mardi Gras 78er
Cover image of Unfit for Publication, Volume 1
The first edition of Unfit for Publication was produced in 2007. Since then the project continues to grow with new material being added. By providing access to these cases, researchers are provided with glimpses gay life in NSW and how male homosexuality was criminalised.
”For gay historians, this material gives an interesting insight into the lives of what we might call our ‘tribal ancestors’, for not only is the legal process on full view, but the evidence presented in each case gives us a window into these people’s lives, and how they managed their desires in a hostile society: where they might meet, how they might interact, and how they saw themselves and their ‘condition’. “
- Garry Wotherspoon, Historian