Colechin, Sallie
Sallie Colechin (1958-)
Sallie is a Mardi Gras 78er and proud feminist who still feels and believes that the personal is political. She has participated in feminist, gay + lesbian, and environmental groups for over four decades. In 1978, she was part of the Gay Solidarity Collective and was part of the group of people who organised the 4th Homosexual Conference in Sydney in August 1978. Sallie has also held roles at the Rape Crisis Centre in 1976/1977 and Elsie Women’s Refuge in 1980.
She is a past president of Pride History Group and now lives near Taree after a career as a photography teacher with TAFE NSW.
Photo: Supplied/Sallie Colechin
Oral history recordings
Automated transcripts of our oral history interviews are available to researchers on request. For access, please contact us, stating the name of the interviewee, date of interview, and your purpose of use.